To complete our team, we are still looking for
Ski- and snowboardinstructors
as well as employees for our ski rental/workshop/ski service for the
winter season 2024/2025

>> for more info click here <<



Benefit from the advantages of online booking!
5% early booking discount on everything up to 7 days before the beginning of the course, 10% early booking discount on everything up to 30 days before the beginning of the course,
early booking discount on everything up to 60 days before the beginning of the course >> for more info click here ...



Snow & Fun
for adults

Snow & Fun - the skischool

Innovation and Tradition – these two features go together hand in hand at Snow & Fun.  The professionals engaged by the ex ski racer Bartl Gensbichler and Thomas Wolf are not satisfied by recognising trends, they set them.

And: at Snow & Fun the size of the Ski School has nothing to do with treatment of the masses, in fact quite the opposite.  Due to the large variety of courses offered, each individuals needs are catered for. And the motto can only be: “Nothing exists that doesn’t exist at Snow & Fun“


Snowboard course

Snowboard: The coolest way to enjoy the Winter

Deep snowy slopes, the powder snow drifts and sprinkles over your head, the white magic: That’s snowboarding!  Whether child or adult, gliding along on a board thrills thousands of Snowboarders every year.In the Ski School Snow & Fun especially with this type of sport, learning, success and fun are combined.  Even though the most are teenies or children that learn snowboarding, the principal is that for this sport no-one is too old!
“I am a Businessman and 46 years old.  Years ago I made my first hours of snowboarding in Saalbach Hinterglemm.  Since then I am addicted in the most positive meaning of the word “, beams David from Liverpool.The well qualified Snowboard Instructors from Snow & Fun are always keeping an eye open for: Individual treatment, whether in a group or private lesson.  So a snowboarding day is a perfect Winter sport experience - for everyone!

Snowsport without handicap

Limitless winter sport – this basic principle is taken literally at Snow & Fun. Snow fans with a handicap don’t have to do without enjoyment on the ski slope. Thanks to perfectly trained ski instructors and state-of-the-art material people with disabilities are offered the perfect day, safe yet still adventurous. Put yourself in the hands of professionals and see for yourself that the only limits are those in your mind! The Snow & Fun experts will be happy to inform you about all the available options.


Group distribution

Group A:
Group B:
Basic Carving 
Blue Pistes 
Tempo: Slow
Group C:
Carving - Stem Turns 
Blue Pistes 
Tempo: Slow
Group D: 
Carving - Stem Christies 
Red Pistes 
Tempo: Moderate
Group E:
Carving Parellel Turns 
Black Pistes 
Tempo: High




Ski- und Snowboardschule
Snow & Fun



Snow & Fun Zentrale
Dorfstraße 204
5754 Hinterglemm 
Tel: +43 6541 7511


Filiale Snow & Fun Reiterkogel
Talstation Reiterkogelbahn
5754 Hinterglemm 
Tel: +43 6541 6272